Surf nazis must die (English review)

Surf nazis must die (Peter George/Usa/1987)

Duration : 83′ Genre : Action/Drama


After a violent earthquake destroyed LA the city is under the control of gang and one one them is called “Surf nazis” leaded by the evil Adolf. his girlfriend Eva and the Despicable Mengele and Hook. After they kill a black guy his mom will take a rampage of revenge….

Troma’s cult coming from “Warriors”, “Escape from New York” and “Class of 1984” set as typical “Toxic avenger” movie quite poor in budget but full of crazy ideas and provocation like the death wish mom not really Charles Bronson in her look. Unforgettable Adolf yelling “I’m the beach Führer” and the graffiti cameo of the King Crimson “In the court of King Crimson”’s cover….

(Antonio DI CARLO)